We begin the process with an on-site consultation. I will ask a series of questions to understand and address the owners’ goals, concerns, issues, etc. After taking detailed notes, I then touch the animal to obtain a body condition score and wrap a weight tape around the girth to get a weight.
Next, I will take photos of each side of the horse and one rear is taken for future results purposes and records if the owner consents to a photo release.
We may visit the feed room and look at what you specifically may be feeding/ supplementing. We may also use my scale to weigh the grain(s) you may be feeding and I may also weigh the hay you are feeding, per single feeding (important for calorie calculations).
Once all the data is collected, I get to work on the complete analysis nutrition portfolio. We will schedule a follow-up meeting (this may be done in person or virtually via Zoom). The typical turnaround time for results is 5-7 days post-visit.
Data is collected at the initial consult. With this data, we then go through a series of calculations for your current program and then work to find a "best fit" program based on any information we found. We will then schedule a revisit in person or virtually to discuss the proposal of any recommendations and possible next steps for your program.
For one horse, this can range anywhere from 15-30 minutes on average.
We travel to wherever the hay may be stored. A power drill with a hay probe attached is then inserted into as many bales as needed to properly fill our sample bag. We then send off this sample to a lab and once results are delivered digitally, we use the quality standard scale to get a rating of your hay and then check all values to make sure they are balanced nutritionally. Results are then discussed once analyzed virtually or in person.